to Vote
Polling place
locations are printed in some newspapers during the three
weeks before election day. You may also call your county
auditor's office to ask where you should go to vote.
Federal law
required polling places to be accessible to elderly and
physically challenged voters unless the county auditor
has applied for and received an exemption. Although a
polling place may not be designated as accessible, it
may actually be accessible to most voters. To find out
whether your polling place is accessible to you, contact
your county auditor.
You must vote
in the precinct where you live. A list of precinct polling
places and a sample ballot are printed in local newspapers
before each election. You can call your county auditor
to find out when the list of precinct polling places and
sample ballots will be printed. Your county auditor can
tell you where you go to vote.
With Help
If you need
help making your ballot because of a disability, any person
you choose may help you, except your employer or your
employer's agent or an officer or agent of your union.
If you want help from the precinct workers, one person
from each political party will help you. You will need
to sign a form showing you requested help.