Foremost among the deficiencies of the actual operating program of the Iowa
Civil Rights Commission was the lack of an adequate staff. This lack was
manifest not only in the need for additional investigators to handle the
case load, but also and most importantly, in the absence of full- time personnel
to administer the educational program. Of necessity, a great deal of the
time of Director Thomas and Investigator Burger was spent in handling problems
relating to cases. Positive programming, therefore, was relegated to a subservient
It is becoming recognized almost universally in human relations circles
that the real key to significant community progress in areas such as employment
is to conduct a thorough, on-going program of affirmative action. Such a
program requires that a rapport based upon mutual respect and integrity
be established among employers, employees and human relations groups. An
approach of this sort would be particularly fitting in Iowa. The approach
is possible, however, only if the commission is provided with the resources
necessary to carry it out.
The consensus among Iowans who are members of racial minorities is that
housing is the number one problem. There seem to be many sides to the housing
problem; finding adequate housing when one has the means; finding adequate
housing with meager means; limitations on the areas of selection and the
concurrent problems of the ghetto; getting a proportional share of public
services such as sewer service, lighting, health code enforcement, etc.;
and the problems of urban renewal and redevelopment with no government assistance
in relocation. The commission has gone on record as favoring passage of
a freedom of residence law for the State of Iowa. Such legislation would
not solve all the problems, but would certainly help to remove one very
significant barrier to progress--racial discrimination in the sale and rental
of dwelling places in Iowa.
As we look forward to our second year of operation, we are hesitant to speak
loudly of what successes we may have had during the past year. We hesitate
because we know that our field of endeavor is a most difficult one, one
in which the dimensions of the problems yet to be faced are such as to require
our utmost in effort and dedication. It better serves our purpose, therefore,
to look forward to the coming year in the hope that we can make an even
greater contribution to our state.
Respectfully submitted,
Philip A. Hamilton
Elizabeth S. Kruidenier
Donald E. Boles, Ph.D.
Merle F. Full
June P. Goldman
Harry D..Harper, M.D.
Lawrence S. Slotsky