Under Iowa Code Chapter 216

Date Investigation Completed:

What is the incident?
unequal pay

When did the alleged pay difference begin?

When did it end?

Was the incident timely filed?

What is the alleged basis?

If the alleged basis is disability, then did Complainant's health condition meet our three-part definition of disability? Explain.

Who is the Incident Doer (the person who determined Complainant's pay rate)?

Who else worked in Complainant's particular job position performing the same duties and assuming the same responsibilities?

Who else worked in job positions different from Complainant's job position but performed duties and assumed responsibilities substantially equal to Complainant's duties and responsibilities in terms of required skill?

Required effort?

Required responsibility?

And required working conditions?

Were any of those persons whose jobs were "substantially equal" to Complainant's job paid more than Complainant?

Were any of those persons' pay rates determined by the Incident Doer?

Are any of those persons nonbasis persons?

What are the Incident Doer's reasons for Complainant's pay rate?

Has the Incident Doer adequately explained why the nonbasis persons were paid more than Complainant?

Is there direct evidence of basis motive? Are there basis-related statements/remarks made by the Incident Doer? Is there a smoking gun?

Has Respondent violated the antidiscrimination statute before, as determined by a court or this agency? Was the Incident Doer involved? If so, explain.

Has the Incident Doer discriminated against other basis persons or against Complainant previously? If so, explain.

Was the basis a "motivating" factor in the incident?

What is the recommendation?
