STANLEY DECK, Complainant,


HENKEL CORP., Respondent.


1. Henkel Corp. violated Iowa Code section 601A.6 (1987) by suspending and then terminating Stanley Deck's employment because of this disability.

2. Because Henkel Corp. sold its interest in the plant located in Keokuk, Iowa to Ogilvie Mills before this complaint was filed, reinstatement is not made part of this remedial scheme.

3. Backpay is awarded for the period from December 10, 1984 through the date when the final decision of the Iowa Civil Rights Commission is entered, less any interim earned income and unemployment benefits. Interest shall accrue at 10 % annum. from May 4, 1985 until paid in full.

4. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Deck shall be awarded $5,000.00 in damages for emotional distress.

Signed this 13th day of April, 1989.

RUBE ABEBE, Commissioner

Iowa Civil Rights Commission

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