Commissioners' Meeting

September 26, 1997

Waterloo Recreation & Art Center

225 Commercial Street

Waterloo, Iowa

9:45 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.


Present: Mohamad Khan, Bernard Bidne, Robert Smith, Jr., Blanca Flores, Liz Nichols, Flora Lee (speaker phone), and Jack Morlan

Staff: Tim Cook and Don Grove

Public: James Glaza, Walter Reed, Peg Moses, and Val Martin


1. Commissioners' Reports

Khan - no report
Nichols - said the Indianola Human Rights Commission has been working with John Tenpas, consultant for Division of Persons with Disabilities, in collecting information on the law regarding handicapped parking in the city and what needs to be done by the City of Indianola to comply with the law
Flores - no report
Bidne - said that he attended a presentation by Grove to Mason City area human resource managers on September 9 on the complaint process
Smith - welcomed the Commissioners to Waterloo
Lee - no report
Morlan - said he attended Governor's orientation for new appointments and the reception

2. Next Meeting

8:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m., Friday, October 24, 1997
Des Moines location to be announced

Morlan noted that the Friends of Iowa Civil Rights, Inc. Banquet and Awards Ceremony will be Thursday evening, October 23, 1997.

3. Minutes of August 22, 1997 Commissioners' Meeting

Bidne moved to approve; Khan seconded. Motion passed.

4. Financial Reports for August 1997

Smith moved to approve and file for audit; Nichols seconded. Motion passed.

5. "The Mission and Work of the Waterloo Commission on Human Rights," presentation by Walter Reed, director

Reed welcomed the Commissioners to Waterloo, and reported that the local commission has worked very hard to reduce the open inventory and expand its public education efforts. Reed mentioned that in the last three years they had reduced their open inventory from 140 to 57 cases and that they had sponsored and coordinated a number of successful civil rights-related workshops, seminars, and conferences, emphasizing youth involvement. Reed also mentioned that his commissioners have been very active in building the Cedar Valley Diversity Appreciation Team and promoting study circles on racism and race relations.

6. "Running a Meeting of the Waterloo Commission," presentation by James Glaza, chairperson

Glaza also welcomed the Commissioners to Waterloo, and reported that he's serving his second term as a commissioner. Glaza mentioned that his co-commissioners are very active and creative, and he tries to give everyone a full opportunity to present their ideas and thoughts at each meeting. Glaza also mentioned that they have special committees that work on a number of projects/issues, including nominations for new commissioners, education and outreach, and personnel.

7. "Legislative Update," presentation by Tim Cook, ICRC's legislative liaison

Cook reported that the ICRC is following a number of bills on a number of civil rights-related issues in the General Assembly, including mediation, drug testing, employer references, and English-Only. Cook reviewed each of the bills, highlighting how the bills, if passed, would affect the ICRC and civil rights generally in the State.

8. Fiscal Year 1998 "Issue of the Year"

The Commissioners decided to make "Study Circles" their Focal Issue of the Year . . . which means that the commissioners will do everything they can during fiscal year 1998 to promote study circles throughout Iowa. The Commissioners also decided to consider public education as the focal issue next year.

9. Staff Reports

Grove reported that the backlog is now 18 and that staff is currently at work studying 1995 Home Mortgage Disclosure Act data and efforts by State and local housing inspectors to enforce State and Federal Accessibility requirements for new covered multifamily dwellings. Grove also reported that staff will issue reports summarizing the results of the studies.
