Present: Jack Morlan, Mohamad Khan, Robert Smith, Jr., and
Bernard Bidne
Absent: Liz Nichols, Blanca Flores, and Flora Lee
Staff: Ron Pothast, Carol Leach, Tim Cook, George Peters, and
Don Grove
Public: Margaret Hough, Bill Crews, Peggy Sieleman, Alison
Ames Galstad, Heather Shank, Jan Warner, Diane Martin, Katherine
Carolan, Marty Ryan, John Cacciatore, Brian Shemp, Rod Boshart,
Walter Reed, Randy Palmer, and Lionel Foster
1. Commissioners' Reports
Morlan Asked that the Commissioners' Book be mailed two weeks before the meeting date.
Khan Shared E-Mail message (attached) from Joyce Samuels, AA/EEO Program Diversity Specialist, regarding global diversity.
Smith Said he had reviewed the Lending Grant Final Report and that he planned to call Grove early next week to suggest follow-up actions.
Bidne No report
2. Next Meeting
9:30 a.m. - Noon, Friday, August 22, 1997
Location to be announced.
3. Minutes of May 30, 1997 Commissioners' Meeting
Morlan moved to approve; Smith seconded. Motion passed.
4. Financial Report for May 1997
Khan moved to approve and file for audit; Morlan seconded.
Motion passed.
Bidne initiated discussion regarding the Independent Auditor's
Fiscal Year 1996 Report of the ICRC. Pothast explained that the
agency has satisfactorily responded to the Report by developing
new management systems and reassigning job duties so that checks
are deposited timely, the equipment inventory is brought up-to-
date, and there is sufficient checks and balances on payment of
5. Election of New Officers
Khan moved to nominate Bidne as chair, but Bidne declined and
Khan withdrew motion. Bidne moved to nominate Morlan; Smith seconded.
Motion passed. Morlan moved to nominate Smith as vice chair; Khan
seconded. Motion passed.
6. "Complaint Process: Intake through Final Decision,"
presentation by Compliance Manager Peters on each step in the
process: Intake, Jurisdictional Review, Docketing, Screening,
Mediation, Investigation, ALJ's PC/NPC Decision, Conciliation,
Proceed Decision, Public Hearing, Commissioners' Decision, and
Judicial Review.
7. "Adding Sexual Orientation to the List of Protected
Personal Characteristics under the Iowa Civil Rights Act,"
presentation by the Iowa City Human Rights Commission. Galstad,
Shank, and Carolan spoke for the Iowa City Local Commission.
8. A number of other people also spoke on the issue of whether
the ICRC should propose legislation adding sexual orientation
to the list of protected personal characteristics, including Sieleman,
Crews, Palmer, Reed, Leach, and Foster.
9. In answer to the Iowa City Local Commission's request that
the ICRC Commissioners consider proposing legislation to add sexual
orientation as a basis under the State's anti-discrimination law,
the Commissioners present indicated that they needed more time
to study the issue.
10. Retreat
Discussion focused on whether and when to hold a Retreat. Consensus was to hold a Retreat sometime in October 1997. Consensus was also to have Retreat on the agenda for the August 22 Commissioners' Meeting for the purpose of setting the date and determining the agenda.