Iowa Civil Rights Commission

Commissioner’s Meeting
June 20, 2001
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Roll Call
The Commissioners’ Meeting of the Iowa Civil Rights Commission was brought to order by David Leshtz, Chairman. Present were Alicia Claypool, Constance Gronstal, Maria Waterman, Dr. Gilberto Solivan, and Timothy Tutt. Rachel Scherle participated via conference telephone. Also present were Corlis Moody, Executive Director, Ron Pothast, Business Administrator, and Araceli Goode, Executive Secretary.

Approval of Minutes
A motion to approve the April 20, 2001 Commissioners’ Meeting was made by Alicia Claypool and seconded by Maria Waterman. The motion passed unanimously.

Commissioners’ Report
Alicia Claypool - Reported on the city of Des Moines consideration of extending their human rights ordinance to include sexual orientation as a protected class. There have been two public meetings and the council has approved by a vote of five to two. It is expected to pass at the next meeting. Her speech at the first meeting included the statement that the State of Iowa must move forward by including Sexual Orientation to the State’s Civil Rights Act as well. She also brought forth the Charitable Choice issue. She will give the information to Corlis to be sent out with the minutes so it can be reviewed before the next meeting.
Connie Gronstal - No report
Maria Waterman- No report
Dr. Gilberto Solivan - No report
Rachel Scherle - Reported had a good trip. She brought forth the meeting dates stating she had planned her school schedule freeing Fridays.
David Leshtz - Reported was a speaker at the Annual Pride Day 15th year celebration in Iowa City. Over 400 people attended. Encouraged Commissioners to become involved when asked to participate at functions regarding civil rights. It makes the Commission more visible and provides opportunity to learn from the people at the event attended.
Timothy Tutt - No report

Executive Director’s Report
Reported the Iowa Civil Rights Commission was assigned to be on a team in Enterprise Planning called Accountable Government. The goal, to be presented to the Governor this year, is tracking resolutions of EEOC or discrimination, harassment complaints by State employees. This has never been done before. Because state departments operate individually, this will be a chance to see the actual track that different management have on State employees and the resolutions made by the Commission. The Governor’s reorganization of state government project consists of reviewing agencies’ budgets and mission, merging or re-assigning and will take about eighteen months to complete.

Reported the Commission was participating in Iowa Excellence Initiative (Baldridge Criteria) to see where it fits in state government and what we do for the State. It is an internal process. The entire management team and representative of the union are meeting once a week to discuss the different pieces of the agency; what we should be, what we currently are. A report is to be submitted by August and will be reviewed by examiners. Then we will know our strengths and weaknesses.

Departmental statistics report new format was reviewed and discussed and some additional statistical information will be added at the request of the Commissioners.

Lobbying information packets and procedures were reviewed and discussed so new commissioners would be prepared when attending legislative sessions/speaking with legislatures.

Corlis then brought forth the letter from Senator Bolkcan regarding Racial Profiling. After discussion, the Commissioners requested Corlis to write Commissioner Westfall asking her and/or her staff to attend a Commissioner’s meeting to review Racial Profiling in Iowa.

Recognition of Press

Old Business
Ron Pothast reviewed the Administrative Rules Waiver. The Rules were published and Public Hearing was held. After discussion, a motion was made by Alicia Claypool and seconded by Maria Waterman that the Administrative Rules be approved as presented. Motion passed unanimously.

Discussed the proposal by the Department of Education that did not move forward and the need to reaffirm the Commission’s support of inclusiveness in schools. Motion was made by Alicia Claypool and seconded by Maria Waterman to write a letter to the Director of the Department of Education with a copy to the Governor indicating our support of their proposed policy for inclusiveness.

New Business
After discussion, the following issues and committee members were set up for the Commissioners Annual Agenda.
Racial Profiling - Dr. Gilberto Solivan, David Leshtz
Sexual Orientation - Alicia Claypool, Maria Waterman
Immigration - Connie Gronstal, Alicia Claypool
Age discrimination (Youth involvement) - Rachel Scherle, Maria Waterman
Committees will report at the Commissioners’ meetings any findings or concerns on this issues. Also legislative issues would be addressed and ready to submit by October’s deadline.

Next Meeting
August 8, 2001 at Mason City. Discussed asking Lionel Foster to host the meeting and having someone of the model city project be on the agenda. Set arrival time at noon to have lunch first, then proceed to open meeting. Discussion followed regarding setting dates and times for upcoming Commissioners’ meetings.

Tim Tutt made motion and seconded by Dr. Solivan to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed unanimously. The Chair adjourned the meeting.