DARRELL CANNON, Complainant,




THIS MATTER, a complaint filed by Darrell Cannon (Complainant) with the Iowa Civil Rights Commission (Commission) charging Ambrose/Lovetinsky d/b/a Tycoon's I. C., (Respondent) with aiding or abetting in the area of public accommodation, came on for hearing in Des Moines, Iowa on the 23rd of June 1987 and continued on the 24th day of September 1987, before Ione G. Shadduck serving as Hearing Officer. Complainant, who was not present at either hearing, was represented by Teresa Baustian, Assistant Attorney General (AAG). Harry Ambrose, owner of Tycoon's I.C. bar, appeared pro se. He appeared at the June 23, 1987 hearing only.

The issue in this case is as follows:

Should Complainant be adjudged in default for failure to appear and the case dismissed?

After having reviewed the record, testimony, and exhibits, the Hearing Officer makes the following findings of fact, conclusion of law, recommended decision and order.

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