Intake is that process by which the agency receives complaints and obtains information from a prospective charging party sufficient to allow the complaint to satisfy all legal and procedural requirements.

The following charts are a summary of the complaints filed in FY 1984.

Chart 1. Complaint Filing Comparisons

Year Number of Complaints Filed Percentage Change
1983 1,828  
1984 1,118 -39%

As Chart I indicates, during FY 1984 complaint filings decreased 39% compared to FY 1983.

Chart 2. Complaints Filed by Area

of Discrimination FY 1983 to FY 1984

Year Total Employment Public Accom. Housing Credit Combination
1983 (1828) 100% 1,694 (92.6%) 81 (4%) 49 (3%) 4 (.4%) -
1984 (1118) 100% 986 (88%) 73 (7%) 48 (4%) 8 (.7%) 3 (.3%)

Chart 2 illustrates that most complaints received during FY 1984 alleged discrimination in employment.

Chart 3. Basis Upon Which Individuals Filed

the 1,118 Complaints in FY 1984

Year Total Sex Race Age Disability National Origin *All Others
1984 100% 1118 23% 251 20% 225 15% 168 14% 159 3% 36 25% 279

*All others: color, creed, marital status, religion and combination.

Chart 3 shows that most persons alleged sex (23%), race (20%), or age (15%) discrimination. This shows a marked difference from FY 1983: age (50%), sex (13%) and race (12%). Disability also showed an increase over last year from 6% in FY 1983 to 14% in FY 1984.

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