The bills listed here are bills which relate directly to the internal operations of the Commission.

HF 812 Transfers power to hire and fire Executive Director from Commission to Governor Passed  
HF 836 Proposes any complainant can remove a complaint from Commission process and pursue the handling of complaint within 6 months from the date complaint was filed, provided also the complainant requests a "right to sue" letter from Commission. The Attorney General would be able to intervene in a case if the Attorney General determined the case of general public importance. Also, this bill would eliminate overlap in services provided by both Merit Employment Department and Civil Rights Commission. Any complaint filed with one agency could not be filed with the other. Dead Present rules of the Commission (3.5(2)) allow Complainant to pursue privately in district court if within 180 days from date of filing the Commission has not concluded action. However, the Commission will not close the case unless the district court accepts jurisdiction.
HF 1164 Requires state agencies and governing boards or political sub-divisions to adopt affirmative action plans and to use fair employment practices. Also requires that those affected send an annual report to Governor. Governor's designee - probably the Civil Rights Commission - would monitor AA plans and annual reports. Dead This bill is limitless in its coverage and does not provide for adequate personnel or money to meaningfully implement its directives. It would require 1,555 political subdivisions - all cities, counties and school districts - to submit Affirmative Action plans. Staff estimated that the additional amount needed to implement the bill properly would be $1,361,941. Yet the legislature did not attach a fiscal note of any kind.
SF 1230 Provides that present quorum of four for commission meeting should take precedence over greater number required by Administrative Procedures Act. Changes "hearing examiner" to "hearing officer". Passed The amended version allowed only the language regarding quorum and "hearing officer." Due to lobbying efforts by banking and financial interests, technical language ensuring Commission's power to investigate credit practices was deleted. Commission still maintains those powers are explicit.
HF 1514 Appropriations of $292,000 including an amount which shall be paid to any city in the state for use by that city's human rights commission, equal to the amount of any federal funds which would have been available to that city of cases had been waived by the Iowa State Civil Rights Commission under the provisions of a contract between that city's human rights commission and the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Passed  

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