Cases and Complaints
The Commission's business volume in terms of cases and complaints must be
understood in the light of the working definitions given to "case"
and "complaint." A case is any matter coming to the attention
of the Commission wherein an individual alleges violation of the Iowa Civil
Rights Act. A complaint is a verified, written allegation of a violation
of the Act filed in triplicate with the Commission containing all the information
required by the Commission regulations.
Of the more than 220 matters coming before the commission, nearly 160 of
these were referred to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in Washington,
D.C. Nearly 150 of these referred matters involved allegations of discrimination
on the basis of sex, a jurisdictional basis stated in the federal Civil
Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII), but absent in the Iowa Act. Iowa, in fact,
led the nation in the number of complaints before the EEOC of discrimination
based upon sex.
In addition to the EEOC referrals, a number of matters were referred to
other agencies, such as the National Labor Relations Board, the Pentagon,
and the Social Security Administration.
There were approximately 33 cases of alleged discrimination in employment,
most of which involved discrimination on the basis of race. There was a
finding of no probable cause in seven of these cases and a number of the
cases were dropped when the complainant decided to withdraw from the proceedings.
Some of these cases were successfully handled during the early stages of
investigation when facts were uncovered to the satisfaction of the complainant.
There were six complaints in employment filed of which these were successfully
conciliated, one was dismissed for lack of jurisdiction, and two are pending.
There were 29 cases of alleged discrimination in Public Accommodations,
almost all of which were alleged on the basis of racial discrimination.
No probable cause was found in light of these cases. Two complaints were
filed; one was successfully conciliated and one was dropped when the parties
settled in court proceedings. In most of these cases, the questions were
satisfactorily answered during the investigative stages.
In addition to these cases, there were approximately 16 cases dealing with
labor organizations or apprenticeship programs. There were also a number
of cases involving special programs such as educational or vocational schools.