Affirmative Action Division


Director: Maude Esther White

In accordance with the authority and responsibility delegated to the Commission under Executive Order No. 15 issued on April 2, 1973, an Affirmative Action Division was established in the Iowa Civil Rights Commission. Maude E. White, the director, has implemented this directive and has established approaches which serve to eliminate and prevent discriminatory practices.

This director has designed a system within the framework of management by objectives which has greatly assisted employers in their attempts to provide equal employment opportunity. This entire program has been published in a small booklet entitled "Affirmative Action" and is available to all interested parties.

During this past fiscal year many conferences/workshops were held for the purpose of providing technical assistance and/or training to personnel officers, EEO officers, officials and managers in state agencies, local and county governments, educational institutions and private industry and organizations.

One of the outstanding conferences was the Governor's Conference on Affirmative Action, jointly sponsored by the Drake University College of Continuing Education and the Iowa Civil Rights Commission under a matching grant by the Iowa Board for Public Programs in the Humanities. This conference brought together about 600 representatives from business, industry, government, education and other institutions to explore the issues that relate to the impact of disparities in income-earning opportunities in Iowa.

In accordance with Title IX of Executive Order No. 15, annual reports have been prepared for the Governor for calendar years 1973 and 1974. The indicators selected for these reports provided both a qualitative and quantitative analysis of employment opportunities in state government for several of the protected classes. The major thrust of the 1974 Report concerns the status of the protected classes in 64 individual state agencies; as well as for determining growth patterns where they occurred. Similar information was also developed for the State Department of Public Instruction, Area Schools Division, concerning the 15 community colleges throughout Iowa.

Presented below are excerpts from the Iowa State Government Affirmative Action Report:



TOTALS 1974 % of Total 1973 % of Total % of Change
Number of Employees 21,219 100.0 19,800 100.0 +7.16
Full-time 18,363 86.5 18,481 93.3 -0.64
Part-time 2,856 13.5 1,319 6.7 +116.0
Caucasian 20,780 97.9 19,428 98.1 +6.9
Ethnic-minorities 439 2.1 372 1.9 +18.0
Male 12,383 58.4 11,650 58.8 +6.3
Female 8,836 41.6 8,150 41.2 +8.4
Handicapped NA - NA - -
*EEO-4 Forms, 1973 and 1974.


The growth patterns of the 64 state agencies from 1973 calendar year to the 1974 calendar year can be seen as follows:


Comparative Status Ethnic-Minorities Women
Showed an Increase 11 35
Showed a Decrease 7 10
No Change in Status 43 16
Not Ascertained 3 3




Wage Range Number % of Total % Male % of Male Employees % Female % of Female Employees % Eth-Min. % of Eth-Min. Employees
Under $6,000 567 3 40.2 2.1 59.8 4.5 5.6 8.5
$6,000-$9,999 9,900 54 44.2 40.3 55.8 72.8 2.4 61.4
$10,000-$15,999 6,314 34 75.1 43.9 24.9 20.8 1.3 22.7
$16,000-$24,999 1,030 6 88.0 8.4 12.0 1.6 1.9 5.3
$25,000+ 552 3 95.1 4.9 4.9 (-) 1.4 2.1



Job Categories Male Female
Officials and Managers $21,334 $16,364
Professionals 15,844 13,472
Technicians 12,231 10,281
Protective Services 12,241 9,875
Para-Professionals 8,957 8,174
Office/Clerical 9,048 8,125
Craftsmen 8,527 7,549
Service/Maintenance 7,926 5,660

In the area of earnings within state government, the statistics in the charts on page 29 give the earnings profile for the total salary ranges, and the average earnings for men and women by job category. The chart below shows the mean salaries by protected class for the years 1973 and 1974.



(Grouped Data)

  1973 1974 % Change
Total Employees $8,931 $10,968 +22.8
Caucasians 8,933 10,990 +23.0
Ethnic-Minorities 8,819 9,920 +12.5
Male 10,046 12,247 +21.9
Female 7,273 9,153 +25.8


It appears throughout these studies that the ethnic-minorities tend to represent less than 5% of the employees in each occupational grouping; and less than the average income for the occupational group in which they are classified. These are, however, individual exceptions to this finding. It can also be concluded that the greatest number and percentage of women tend to be found in the lower paying occupations and have an average income less than their male counterparts in most of the occupations listed.

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