It is the legislative intent of this chapter that every complaint
be at least preliminarily screened during the first 120 days.
Iowa Code section 216.16(6).
Preliminary screening.
Respondent and complainant are required to respond in writing
to their respective questionnaires. The answers ordinarily should
be responsive to the questions asked, though elaboration is encouraged.
If a question does not apply, the respondent can so indicate.
In lieu of answers responsive to the questions, the Commission
will accept written position statements. The position statements
should cover the same general subject areas covered by the questionnaire.
Responses are due 30 days from the mailing of the questionnaire.
Extensions will be granted on an informal basis. Since the legislature
encourages preliminary screening to be completed within 120 days,
requests for extensions are strongly discouraged.
As soon as practicable after the receipt of all materials
responsive to the questionnaires, a committee of Commission staff
members may meet and review the submitted answers and materials.
This preliminary screening committee will then determine whether
the case will be "screened in" for further processing
or "screened out" as not warranting further investigation.
Effect of screen out. A complaint determined not to warrant
further processing shall be administratively closed.
161 Iowa Admin. Code section 3.12.