If the complaint is accepted as jurisdictional and timely,
the complaint is docketed, recorded and given a number; the respondents
are notified of the complaint; and the parties are given questionnaires
to complete and return.
After the filing of a verified complaint, a true copy shall
be served within twenty days by certified mail on the person against
whom the complaint is filed.
Iowa Code section 216.15(3)(a).
After jurisdictional review and within 20 days of receipt
of the complaint, the executive director or designee shall serve
respondent with a copy of the complaint by certified mail. A letter
of acknowledgement shall advise the complainant of the right to
withdraw the complaint and sue in the district court according
to Iowa Code section 216.16.
161 Iowa Admin. Code section 3.6.
Preliminary screening.
Questionnaire. As soon as practicable after receipt of a complaint,
the commission may draft and mail to the parties written questionnaires.
161 Iowa Admin. Code section 3.12(1)(a).