Filed Within 180 Days


What is the filing limitations period?

A claim under this chapter shall not be maintained unless a complaint is filed with the Commission within 180 days after the alleged discriminatory or unfair practice occurred.

Iowa Code section 216.15(12)


Timely filing of the complaint.

3.3(1) Limitation. The complaint shall be filed within 180 days after the occurrence of an alleged unlawful practice or act.

3.3(2) Continuing violation. If the alleged unlawful discriminatory practice or act is of a continuing nature, the date of the occurrence of the alleged unlawful practice shall be deemed to be any date subsequent to the commencement of the alleged unlawful practice up to and including the date upon which the unlawful practice has ceased.

3.3(3) Tolling of filing period. By law the filing period described in subrule 3.3(1) and in Iowa Code section 216.15(12) is subject to waiver, estoppel and equitable tolling. Whether the filing period shall be equitably tolled in favor of a complainant depends upon the facts and circumstances of the particular case. Equitable tolling suspends the running of the filing period during the period of time in which the grounds for equitable tolling exists.

161 Iowa Admin. Code section 3.3.

