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History of ICRC Commissioners

Sorted Chronologically by Term;  (Sorted Alphabetically by Last Name, below)


Term Served


McDonnell, Thomas


Boles, Donald E.

1965 - 1969

Hamilton, Phillip A.

1965 - 1969

Harper, Harry D.

1965 - 1971

Kruidenier, Elizabeth

1965 - 1975

Slotsky, Lawrence S.

1965 - 1975

Full, Merle F.

1966 - 1969

Goldman, June P.

1966 - 1969

Clayman, Abe D.

1969 - 1973

Skogstrom, Madonna

1969 - 1973

Strother, John

1969 - 1973

Twyner, Lafayette

1969 - 1973

Edgington, Annette Pieper

1970 - 1981

Brown, Sam

1971 - 1973

White, DeEdwin

1971 - 1975

Garcia, George

1971 - 1977

Koerselman, Gary

1972 - 1975

Lowder, Frances

1972 - 1977

Gillman, James

1973 - 1977

Walsh, Gretchen M.

1973 - 1977

Lee, Gretchen

1976 - 1977

Bruce, Harriette

1976 - 1978

Toney, Charles W.

1976 - 1978

Villines, Evelynn

1976 - 1980

Peters, Jack

1976 - 1981

Williams, Rev. Eugene

1977 - 1978

Evans, Rachel

1977 - 1981

Cummins, Lawson "Tait"

1978 - 1979

Bataille, Gretchen

1979 - 1978

Parrish, Alfredo

1979 - 1980

Harmon, James

1980 - 1981

Murphy, Paul

1980 - 1983

Cothorn, Marguerite

1980 - 1989

Harris, Larry

1981 - 1983

Hamlet, Gretchen

1982 - 1986

Nelson, Karl

1982 - 1986

Rodriguez, Joe

1982 - 1987

Eastin, Jane

1982 - 1989

Creighton, Lorenzo

1984 - 1985

Stokes, John

1984 - 1989

Abebe, Ruby

1986 - 1994

Lohman, James

1987 - 1989

Plasencia, Ila

1987 - 1991

Pumroy, Abigail

1987 - 1991

Robinson, Kenneth

1987 - 1994

Repass, Dale

1988 - 1997

Marcovis, Frank

1989 - 1991

Collins, James

1989 - 1992

Dial, Orlando Ray

1989 - 1997

Rants, Carolyn

1989 - 1997

Churchill, Steven

1991 - 1992

O’Donnell, Sally

1991 - 1995

Courter, Jeff

1992 - 1997

Bidne, Bernard

1995 - 1999

Nichols, Liz

1995 - 1999

Flores, Blanca

1997 - 1999

Khan, Mohamad W.

1997 - 2001

Lee, Flora M.

1997 - 2001

Morlan, Jack

1997 - 2001

Smith, Robert L.

1997 - 2001

*Claypool, Alicia P.

1999 - 2003

*Leshtz, David R.

1999 - 2003

Scherle, Rachel J.

1999 - 2002

*VanLo, Dinh (replaces Rachel Scherle)

2002 - 2003

*Gronstal, Constance

2001 - 2005

Solivan, Gilberto

2001 - 2002

*Tutt, Timothy

2001 - 2005

*Waterman, Maria

2001 - 2005

(*) Present Commissioners


Sorted Alphabetically by Last Name


Term Served


Abebe, Ruby

1986 - 1994

Bataille, Gretchen

1979 - 1978

Bidne, Bernard

1995 - 1999

Boles, Donald E.

1965 - 1969

Brown, Sam

1971 - 1973

Bruce, Harriette

1976 - 1978

Churchill, Steven

1991 - 1992

Clayman, Abe D.

1969 - 1973

Claypool, Alicia P.

1999 - 2003

Collins, James

1989 - 1992

Cothorn, Marguerite

1980 - 1989

Courter, Jeff

1992 - 1997

Creighton, Lorenzo

1984 - 1985

Cummins, Lawson "Tait"

1978 - 1979

Dial, Orlando Ray

1989 - 1997

Eastin, Jane

1982 - 1989

Edgington, Annette Pieper

1970 - 1981

Evans, Rachel

1977 - 1981

Flores, Blanca

1997 - 1999

Full, Merle F.

1966 - 1969

Garcia, George

1971 - 1977

Gillman, James

1973 - 1977

Goldman, June P.

1966 - 1969

Gronstal, Constance

2001 -

Hamilton, Phillip A.

1965 - 1969

Hamlet, Gretchen

1982 - 1986

Harmon, James

1980 - 1981

Harper, Harry D.

1965 - 1971

Harris, Larry

1981 - 1983

Khan, Mohamad W.

1997 - 2001

Koerselman, Gary

1972 - 1975

Kruidenier, Elizabeth

1965 - 1975

Lee, Flora M.

1997 - 2001

Lee, Gretchen

1976 - 1977

Leshtz, David R.

1999 - 2003

Lohman, James

1987 - 1989

Lowder, Frances

1972 - 1977

Marcovis, Frank

1989 - 1991

McDonnell, Thomas


Morlan, Jack

1997 - 2001

Murphy, Paul

1980 - 1983

Nelson, Karl

1982 - 1986

Nichols, Liz

1995 - 1999

O’Donnell, Sally

1991 - 1995

Parrish, Alfredo

1979 - 1980

Peters, Jack

1976 - 1981

Plasencia, Ila

1987 - 1991

Pumroy, Abigail

1987 - 1991

Rants, Carolyn

1989 - 1997

Repass, Dale

1988 - 1997

Robinson, Kenneth

1987 - 1994

Rodriguez, Joe

1982 - 1987

Scherle, Rachel J.

1999 - 2002

Skogstrom, Madonna

1969 - 1973

Slotsky, Lawrence S.

1965 - 1975

Smith, Robert L.

1997 - 2001

Solivan, Gilberto

2001 - 2002

Stokes, John

1984 - 1989

Strother, John

1969 - 1973

Toney, Charles W.

1976 - 1978

Tutt, Timothy

2001 -

Twyner, Lafayette

1969 - 1973

VanLo, Dinh (replaces Rachel Scherle)

2002 - 2003

Villines, Evelynn

1976 - 1980

Walsh, Gretchen M.

1973 - 1977

Waterman, Maria

2001 -

White, DeEdwin

1971 - 1975

Williams, Rev. Eugene

1977 - 1978

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