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> Customer Satisfaction Survey

Customer Satisfaction Survey

Dear Iowan:

As Director of the Iowa Civil Rights Commission, one of my primary concerns is to focus the department's employees and service providers on providing the highest achievable level of customer service to Iowans. To do that I need your help.

If you have recently been provided with a service from a department staff person, your perceptions regarding this service are important to us.

We have established web-based access to a brief customer-satisfaction survey, designed to tell us how you believe we are doing in three important areas of service:

  • timeliness of our response to your needs,
  • how well you were treated and
  • your overall satisfaction with the service provided to you.
You may be assured that your response is anonymous.

Please take a couple of minutes to respond to the items on the survey by following the instructions provided. Your responses will help us serve you better in the future.


Ralph Rosenberg, Director

