Study Circles

The Study Circles Resource Center in Pomfret, Conn., is a non-profit organization which promotes the use of study circles on critical social and political issues. Study circles are facilitated discussion groups of 10 to 15 citizens who meet in their community to discuss a topic of mutual interest. The sharing of ideas, opinions, and tough questions helps the members of the group to expand their thinking on a particular topic.

The Commission has taken the lead in introducing study circles to Iowa. While the Commission recommends starting with discussions on race and race relations, the groups can choose other topics important to their communities, such as education, criminal justice, or immigration issues. The Commission has provided facilitator training sessions, and publishes a quarterly Study Circles newsletter to network with the groups.

Thirteen Iowa communities have formed coalitions to sponsor study circles. While using the study circles model, Des Moines has chosen to call their program "Honest Conversations," and Dubuque is using the title "Talk Circles."

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